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we can change the world together

Exclusive page for donation with canadian dollars.

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Coletivo Abrigo is an education and social assistance organization founded in 2015, in Porto Alegre city, Brazil. We are committed to an agenda that seeks a more dignified and sustainable future for all. This development agenda requires a collective effort from us, built on principles and values ​​as well as on a shared vision and goals that put people and the planet at the center of the issue. To this end, Coletivo Abrigo works together with public institutions and the private sector to promote quality education, equal rights, the right to the city, peace, justice and the fight against fundamentalism and prejudice. ​


Our institution works by aligning theory and practice, offering lectures and training, but also promoting practical actions for social justice and the fight against hunger.


The initiatives of Coletivo Abrigo are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, fruits of the UN 2030 Agenda. These goals are “a list of things to do in the name of people and the planet”. The colored objectives are the areas of practice in which we are currently involved.

Erradir a pobreza
Energia renovável
Ação climática
Erradir a fome
Saúde e qualidade de vida
Trabalho digno e crescimento econômico
Indústria, inovação e infraestrutura
Vida marinha
Proteger a vida terrestra
Educação de qualidade
Igualdade de gênero
Saneamento básico
Reduzir as desigualdades
Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
Produção e consumo sustentável
Paz, justiça e instituições eficazes
Parceiro na implementação dos objetivos
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Our city coexists with two very different realities. While the richest neighborhoods have an HDI compared to Switzerland, the poorest neighborhoods have an HDI similar to that of Iraq.

Coletivo Abrigo promotes projects in two of the poorest neighborhoods in Porto Alegre, Brazil, with families in situations of social vulnerability and with indigenous communities.


Even if you are not in Brazil, you can donate in canadian dollars through our partner bank.

Your donation helps bring hope to those who need it most.

Beneficiary Bank



Bank and Address: Banco Master S/A - ABC - Atlantica Business Center, Floor 9, Avenida Atlantica 1130 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22021-000

Beneficiary Customer Instruction 


IBAN: BR1033923798000000024443805C1


Name and address: ABRIGO- COLETIVO DE EDUCACAO E ASSISTENCIA SOCIAL. - Rua Martim Ferreira De Carvalho, 334 - Sarandi - Porto Alegre/RS - CEP: 91140340



Intermediary Bank 




Bank and Address: Standard Chartered Bank - Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Bank account holder: Banco Master S/A


Bank account number: 500025007

Exclusive page for donation with canadian dollars.

To donate with other currencies click here.


Coletivo Abrigo de Educação e Assistência Social

Av. Assis Brasil, 3851, sala 210, Porto Alegre

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - CEP 91010-007


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